What are oversized downspouts?
A standard size downspout is 2×3. That means that is is 2 inches deep by 3 inches wide. An oversized downspout is 3×4 so it is 3 inches deep by 4 inches wide. This gives it twice the volume or carrying capacity.
What are the advantages of oversized downspouts?
- They get the water out of the gutter twice as fast. This really helps in a heavy downpour of rain so that the gutters do not fill up and overflow. Overflowing gutters can cause damage to the house as water may rot wood or go into the basement. Overflowing gutters can also cause a lot of damage if the water finds its way into the basement. Many homeowners have had to tear out carpet or sheetrock after water made its way into a finished basement.
- Oversized downspouts are sometimes thicker than standard downspouts. This means they will last longer and look better. In select colors, oversized downpsouts can be extra extra thick. While a 2×3 downpsout may be as thin as .017 a standard 3×4 downspout may be .019. We offer oversized downspouts in .024. There is a significant difference in strength and durability.
Will larger downspouts solve my leaf problem?
In most cases, the simple answer is no. If there is a very small amount of leaves and tree debris, then the oversized downspout may allow it to pass throught.
However, anything but the smallest amount of debris will still collect at the opening from the gutter to the first elbow of the downspout. A twig or a handful of leaves or helicopters or pine needles will get jammed. After that everything else will back up.
Another common thing I see when I’m on the roof is kids toys and balls in the gutter that will clog a downspout.
Therefore, the only real solution to clogged gutters is to have a gutter guard installed.
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